Error:MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly Solusi


Mengatasi Error Mysql Shutdown Unexpectedly

1.Buka folde xampp->mysql











2.Edit nama "data" jadi "data_old"
3.Buat folder baru "data"
4.Copy semua file dari folder "backup"
5.Pastekan ke folder "data" yg baru dibuat
6.Copy juga folder nama database yg ada di folder "data_old"
7.Pastekan ke folder "data" juga
8.Terakhir copy file "ibtmp1" dari "data_old" kemuadian paste/replace difolder "data" yang baru
Sampai disini seharusnya sudah hilang problem diatas,Bila masih blm bisa coba alternatif cara lain dibawah ini:

Method 1 (22 Dec 2021)

  1. Stop MySQL.
  2. Go to the C:/xampp/mysql directory and copy the data folder and keep it somewhere else (probably in another drive) as a backup.
  3. Go to your original data folder (C:/xampp/mysql) and sort the files by 'Type.'
  4. Select the files that have the type INFO File and delete them (screenshot below).
  5. Start MySQL. It should work now.

Method 1 Screenshot


Not necessarily the solution above will always fix the issue. Sometimes it will not. To avoid the major risk of losing the data, try these.

  • Turn on MySQL in the Control Panel only if needed.
  • Do not set the XAMPP Control Panel to turn it on windows startup.
  • Back up your DB whenever possible. If not try to back up every weekend.

PS: I will try to update this answer whenever the above method(s) don't work. I will try to explain it in the simplest way possible without uninstalling XAMPP.

Let me know if it works for you.

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